Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Special Educational Needs or Disabilities

The School's Lead for SEND is Mrs Clare Forsyth (October 2023)



At Sandiway Primary School, pupils with SEND are:

Included in all aspects of the school day.

Provided with quality first teaching, adapted to their needs.

Respected and their contributions valued and acknowledged.

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The Intent of SEND provision at Sandiway Primary School is linked to our school values, Growing and Achieving together. At Sandiway Primary School, our intention for Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) is to ensure that all children receive a high-quality and ambitious education regardless of need or disability. We believe that it is vital that our pupils are equipped with the tools needed to become independent, inquisitive learners both in and out of the classroom. Every child at Sandiway Primary School is respected as an individual.

Through our high quality planning, teaching and provision we:

Pride ourselves on intervention for SEND to ensure that progress and opportunities to achieve are maximised.

Ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is adapted to enable children to be active participants in their learning.

Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND, using a child-centred approach, valuing and respecting student voice .

Provide good quality and relevant training  for all staff members supporting children with SEND.

Work in close partnership with parents and carers.

Work closely with external agencies and other professionals to hone and develop our provision for children with SEND.

Ensure that students enjoy their education and time at school.

"Avoiding discrimination and promoting equality supports the agenda of improving attainment and progression for all pupils. Good education and skills are crucial for opening up opportunities and increasing the chance of a successful life." The Equality Act 2010


Pupils are happy, safe and nurtured within school.

Children have a voice and feel heard – they are involved in decisions made about themselves

Staff are empathic, supportive and compassionate and create effective learning opportunities for all

Positive relationships are formed between staff and pupils through mutual respect and a true understanding of the child as a whole.

Parents feel listened to, supported and play an important role in decision making about their child.

Early intervention means that we can close emerging gaps early and/or identify needs and implement support quickly

Support is implemented as early as possible to have the greatest impact.

Interventions are tracked each term and progress is closely monitored to evaluate the impact it is having.

Through our graduated approach-Assess, Plan, Do, Review, alternative interventions or levels of support are implemented when necessary.

SEND support plans (pupil learning passports) are reviewed each term with parents and children.

Staff feel knowledgeable and informed about the needs of their pupils and how best to support them – they ask for help when they need it and the SENDCo ensures they are fully supported through CPD and thorough discussions.

Pupils leave Sandiway Primary School with the tools to be independent and resilient.


Every teacher is a teacher of SEND and as such, inclusion is a thread that runs through every area of the school enhanced by collaboration between senior leaders, teachers, support staff, external agencies, parents and most importantly, the child. This is through our IMPLEMENTATION.

At Sandiway Primary School, pupils with SEND may:

Have specific 1:1 or small group intervention to support their literacy, numeracy, phonics, comprehension, handwriting and general access to learning.

Take part in social and emotional support interventions such as Zones of Regulation, Lego Therapy, social stories, social skills group and cognitive behavioural approaches.

Have additional support from ELSA regarding sense of self.

At Sandiway Primary School, pupils with SEND may:

Have specific 1:1 or small group intervention to support their literacy, numeracy, phonics, comprehension, handwriting and general access to learning.

Take part in social and emotional support interventions such as Zones of Regulation, Lego Therapy, social stories, social skills group and cognitive behavioural approaches.

Have additional support from ELSA regarding sense of self.

Receive additional support with their speech and language development from an TA or speech and language therapist.

Have early intervention through WELCOMM to address Speech and Language difficulties

Carry out sensory breaks in our dedicated sensory room, or through physical activity depending on need.

Attend lessons which are supported by a TA (1:1 or small group) allowing children extra time for pre-teaching, confidence building, securing new skills, ensuring full access to the curriculum, and coaching students in self help strategies in the classroom .

Work alongside external agencies such as an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, SEND team to develop specific targets/programmes tailored to the child’s individual needs.

Create a pupil learning passport (with pupil and parent voice included)

Outreach and development:

The SENDCo attends half termly SEND forum within Cheshire West.

Visits to support and secure successful transitions from primary to secondary and nursery to primary.

SEND working group within the Create trust

CPD for SENDCo and all staff

Support from Outreach

The Local Authority's Local Offer

Each Local Authority is required to publish a 'Local Offer' - details of how young people are supported. The Local Offer website provides information for children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers, in a single place. It includes information from a range of local agencies, including education, health and social care. Knowing what is out there gives you more choice and therefore more control over what support is right for your child.

Cheshire West and Chester have a Parent and Carer forum where help,  support and a monthly newsletter are available. - https://www.pcfcheshirewest.org/

Website for Livewell Cheshire West

This website can be found at


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Sensory room

Sandiway school were lucky enough to win a Tesco community award and this meant we were able to convert one of our intervention rooms into a sensory room. This has been an invaluable resource to our school and we are constantly using pupil voice to help build on this success.


Pupil voice

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"We wholeheartedly recommend Sandiway Primary School. After relocating to the area, we have been incredibly grateful for the unwavering support of the entire staff, who have made the transition to the school system seamless for our family. They have truly gone above and beyond to ensure that our son has everything he needs to succeed. Starting Reception is a significant milestone, both emotionally, mentally, and physically, and for a child who requires additional support, the challenge can feel overwhelming. However, the school and the SEND team have consistently provided the personalized care and assistance he needs at every stage. We couldn’t be more appreciative of the dedication, kindness, and professionalism shown by the school".


My son was awarded an EHCP when he was in year 3. The support he has received has been both incredible and profound. He is now in year 6 and in a position where he's able to enjoy school life, making great academic achievements whilst simultaneously having opportunities to be independent and fit in with his peers. We are grateful to the Sendco and all school staff who have played a vital role in getting us to the point we are at now. 

ADHD poem from our talented children

Diabetes poem from our talented children

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Information to support Auditory Processing

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Information to support Dyscalculia

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Supporting Neurodiversity in the classroom

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Mental Health support