Local Academy Board
Our Local Academy Board is committed to providing the best outcomes for the children at Sandiway Primary School.
What do Local Academy Board members do?
The Local Academy Board members of Sandiway Primary School has responsibility for the education of the children in our school; some of this responsibility is devolved from the Trust, other aspects are reported to the Trust. They work on a voluntary basis as a critical friend to the Headteacher and staff of the school to ensure progress and success for all of our pupils. The Local Academy Board, whose membership includes the Headteacher, provides strategic leadership to the school and makes key decisions and recommendations to the Trust in areas such as finance, personnel and premises as well as monitoring educational performance.
Who are the members of the Local Academy Board?
Our Local Academy Board members are drawn from parents, staff and the community. This ensures that a wide range of views are brought to our meetings.
Our Chair of the Local Academy Board is Mrs Emma Zouhbi. She can be contacted at ezouhbi@sandiway.cheshire.sch.uk or by post to the school's address. She would be happy to hear from parents, staff or other stakeholders of the school about any school business.
Member's attendance at meetings can be seen in a document below and previous attendance as Governors of the school prior to conversion to an academy. Business interests are also declared in a document below.
Our members of the Local Academy Board are:
Name |
Type |
Special responsibilities |
Mrs Debbie Bertram Mrs Kathryn Harvey |
Headteacher Staff |
Mr Ben Lambert |
Co-opted |
Sports Premium, Pupil Premium |
Mrs Emma Zouhbi |
Co-opted |
Chair of Local Academy Board, Finance, Safeguarding |
Mrs Irene Hodkinson |
Co-opted |
Vice Chair / Quality of Education & Inclusion |
Mr Simon Williams |
Parent Elected |
Health & Safety |
Mrs Sophie Riley |
Parent Elected |
Quality of Education & Inclusion |
Governors who have served in the last 36 months and have since retired:
Mrs Sarah Price, Mrs Clare Mackin, Mr Phil Morris, Mrs Sandra Prest, Mrs Sarah Elliott, Ms Julie Nichols, Mr David Parks-Smith, Mrs Clare Forsyth, Mrs Irene Hodkinson, Mr Robert Mawson, Mr David Purcell, Mr Steve Meeks, Mrs Lauren Ogboru
Members of the Local Academy Board with special responsibility/lead governors
Chair / Safeguarding / Finance - Mrs Emma Zouhbi
Pupil Premium / Sports Premium / Behaviour & Attitudes - Mr Ben Lambert
Vice Chair / Quality of Education / EYFS / Inclusion - Mrs Irene Hodkinson
Quality of Education / EYFS / Inclusion - Mrs Sophie Riley
Health & Safety / Communication - Mr Simon Williams
A full list of roles and responsibilities can be found below.
The members meet formally twice a term, as a minimum, with committee meetings and visits to school taking place as required during the term. They delegate the day-to-day administration of the school to the Headteacher, but are responsible for admissions, appointment of senior staff, the curriculum, the building and matters of finance. Our members strive to forge strong links with the school by accompanying the children on school visits or residentials, as well as visiting them in school.
Should you wish to contact a member of the Local Academy Board, please direct your enquiry to the school office in the first instance.
Please note LAB attendance, business and pecuniary interests are recorded centrally by Create Learning Trust and can be found here -
Create Learning Trust: Trust School Local Academy Boards Attendance/Interests
LAB strategies and impact
As part of our strategy the LAB aims to strengthen our links with the parent community and provide further insight into our role within Sandiway School. Below you will find our current Strategic Action Plan which has been developed alongside the School Development Plan. Updates are provided within this document and through newsletters which are also emailed out by the school office. Impact statements are produced annually and can be found below.
Should you have any questions regarding the LAB and it's role within the school, please contact Emma Zouhbi, Chair, on ezouhbi@sandiway.cheshire.sch.uk
Useful links for members of the LAB
Governors Handbook published by the Department for Education https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/governors-handbook--3
National Governors Association
Is an independent charity that aims to improve the educational standards and well-being of children and young people through supporting and promoting outstanding governance in all state-funded schools http://www.nga.org.uk/Home.aspx. This also has a link to a training page http://www.nga.org.uk/Useful_Contacts/Training-Contacts.aspx
GEL Governor E-Learning (GEL)
Is an online learning experience providing school governors with a flexible way to access information and training. http://www.elc-gel.org/home/
Modern Governor
Is the provider of online training for School Governors - See more at: http://www.moderngovernor.com/#about
Offers free, confidential advice, support and information to School Governors, clerks and individuals directly involved in the governance of maintained schools, academies and free schools in England.
Call the service on 08000 722 181 or e-mail using the contact form on the DfE website.
The telephone help line is open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 8.00pm.