Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Harvey


Welcome to Year Two!

Our Year Two Team..

Mrs Harvey and Mrs Gotting warmly welcome you to Year Two at Sandiway Primary School this year.  Mrs Gotting will be teaching the class on Monday and Thursdays and Mrs Harvey will teach the class on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  

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Homework: Y2 Homework for 6th March 2025


Welcome to our Year Two class page. Here you will find all the information about our class and the year ahead including our weekly timetable with our daily routines, curriculum overviews and homework. For more information about what is taught in Year Two, you might also want to have a look at the curriculum pages of the website. 

If you have a child in Year Two, we will be uploading snap shots of our learning onto Seesaw. So keep checking in when you can.

Year 2 Spring Term Read Alouds...

We love reading in Year Two.  We enjoy listening to books and here are just a few of the books we will be enjoying in Year Two this term:


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Spring Term Timetable

Our days are busy and you can see what a day looks like in Year Two here:

Y2 Spring timetable.png

(the above timetable is an example and is subject to change)

For more detail about the all the subjects and themes we will be covering throughout the year, please see the attached Year 2 Curriculum Overview for parents in the downloadable files below.


What we are looking forward to in the Spring Term 2025

 Please read our Year Two Spring Term Curriculum Overview

This term we are diving into the world of mythical creatures with the text The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward.  Dragons appear all over the place and we look forward to seeing what happens as Dragons start to take over the Year Two Classroom.  We are excited to see how we develop images through the detail we continue to add into our writing. 

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Alongside the Dragon Machine, we will be enjoying reading Dragonsitter by Josh Lacey.  This tale has a somewhat mischievous dragon that gets up to all sorts.  This will form the basis for our Guided Reading sessions in the first half of the Spring term.  We will focus on developing fluency and being able to retrieve infomration by answering and asking questions.

Dragon sitter.jpg

Later on this term we will enjoy reading and writing based on Owen and The Soldier by Lisa Thompson and My Name is Not Refugee by Kate Milner.

Key Information for the Spring Term:

PE: Year Two have PE this term on Tuesday and Wednesday. Children should come ready dressed in their PE kit on these days. 

Ordering Lunch: Where possible, please order school lunches at home via School Gateway. We are starting to encourage children inYear Two to be more independent.  Therefore, it is really useful for the children to know what has been ordered for them before they come into school.

Water: Children are encouraged to bring in a bottle of water each day which they can access at any time.  Please ensure bottles are named.  

Snack: Children are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack for our morning playtimes or children may choose to order a snack from the kitchen. If you would like to send in your own snack then please make sure it is healthy. Wherever possible, please avoid chocolate, crisps or sweets please. We are a nut free school. KS1 children are provided with a piece of fruit during the afternoon sessions.

What we enjoyed in the Autumn Term 2024

 Please read our Year Two Autumn Term Curriculum Overview


For the first half of the Autumn term we read The Troll by Julia Donaldson and The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Mara Alperin during our reading sessions. In English we focused on the text 'Look Up' by Nathan Bryan.  We enjoyed the fact that this book has been inspired by the astronaut Mae Jemison.  .

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For the second half of the Autumn term we explored the non-fiction text called Above and Below.  This really inspired the nature lovers in our Year Two class.  It also had lots of new and challenging/ambitious vocaulary for us to investigate.

above and below.jpeg

In English we read the tale of The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson.  This is an English classic as the book that was first published in 1968.  It was a great exploration into how we can overcome our fears and was the starting to point for us to developing detail in our own writing.




Homework is set every Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday.  Please see the guidance attached in the files below and you can also find this on the inside cover of your homework book.

Our homework will concentrate on reading, spellings and mental maths practise.




Useful Websites

Maths Reading Spelling Other
Hit the button Mental maths practise Oxford Owl Spelling City Draw with Rob Biddulph
Learn to Count with fun Counting Games for KS1 Children ( 

Collins ebooks


Spelling - KS1 English - BBC Bitesize Science Investigations
1-Minute Maths App | White Rose Maths Book list - First Chapter Books ( Words and Spelling, English Games for 5-7 Years - Topmarks  
Times table practise      



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