Northwich Pupil Parliament


Northwich Pupil Parliament

The Northwich Education Partnership is made up of schools across the local area, working together to improve outcomes to children's lives and their participation in their community. 

The Pupil Parliament is where schools share ideas and make decisions on action to make our community in Northwich and the surrounding area a place where we can all thrive.


September 2023

First meeting of the Northwich Pupil Parliament

In September Lucy and Oliver our Y6 school councillors represented our school at the local Northwich Pupil Parliament. It was our first meeting for the year. Our overarching theme this year is community and our aim for the children this year will be to develop our own Pupil Parliament Vision and Values linked to our NEP. Lucy and Oliver shared our school values and were excellent representatives for Sandiway.

Agenda from the first meeting:

-ice breaker
-Table discussion-What are values? why do we have them?
-Create a shared definition
-Share NEP values
-Table discussion-share individual school values, each table to collate values on flip chart
-Flipchart of values to be displayed around hall and children to sticker the values they think are most important

-Conclude with brief recap


February 2024

Second meeting of Northwich Pupil Parliament

Following on from the previous meeting, the pupil parliament looked at the combined values each school shared, they values suggested were narrowed down to the final 3 and compared with the NEP values. Together the Northwich school then created a vision statement for the NEP.

worldle NEP.PNG

Oliver & Lucy described their experience:

'At every Parliament meeting we always do a warm up activity. Todays activity was to watch a video all about The Houses of Parliament and then to do a multiple-choice quiz - we did very well and got 9/10!! In our last meeting, all of the other schools shared their own school values and Mr Erne then put this into a wordle (shown above). Today, we picked out the top 5 common values which were Respect, Safe, Ready, Kind and Caring. From these 5 values, (after a few discussions) we collectively decided on our top 3 which were Respect, Safe and Kind. These are now the Children's Parliament values. We then discussed on our tables and wrote down what we do as a Parliament and came up with ideas to help the community, for example, a litter pick or a charity run.'