
It is very important that children attend school everyday of the school year in order to maximise their potential to make as much progress as they can.

If your child is ill, it is important that you contact the school as soon as possible to let us know that they will not be in school.

On this page you will find a document entitled 'Infection Control' which gives very good advice about medical conditions which require exclusion from school and those which children may attend school with. Some conditions require children to stay off school for a further period of time.

The Government has changed legislation (in August 2024) to make any leave of absence from school (unless there are 'exceptional circumstances') an unauthorised absence. Holidays during term time are deemed to be unauthorised absences and may lead to a fine. Please contact the school if you need to take your child out of school for any reason and we will discuss this with you.

A policy has been written within our cluster of schools and can be downloaded below. In addition, a letter sent to parents to remind the importance of attending school can be viewed below.

Files to Download