Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Kennedy

Mrs Tucker

Welcome to Year One!

A warm welcome to the Year One class page where you will find information about the term ahead, including a sample of our timetable, an overview of what will be taught each term and your weekly homework.  For more information about what is taught in Year One, you might also want to have a look at the curriculum pages of the website. 


Thank you to those parents who attended our Year One Information meeting. Please find below the information slides.

Year One Parent Information Meeting


The Year One Team

Miss Kennedy is the main class teacher for Year One this year and Mrs Tucker will also be teaching in class on a Tuesday afternoon.

We also have support from our Teaching Assistants across the week at different times.

We have a strong and enthusiastic team working together in Year One.  We are all passionate about the development of young children academically, socially and emotionally and we are all excited to

Grow and Achieve together with our children in Year One this year.


If you have a child in Year One, please do keep up-to-date with what we have been learning about by seesaw icon.jpglogging into Seesaw. 





Our Curriculum

Year One Curriculum


Year One Autumn Term Curriculum Overview

  Year One Spring Term Curriculum      Year One Summer Term Curriculum




At Sandiway Primary School, we follow the Essential Letters and Sounds Phonics programme. Here are some useful documents that we use in Year One to support children's Phonics and writing.

Phase 3 Phonics Mat

Phase 5 Phonics Mat

Harder to Read and Spell Words



Reading in Year One

See the source image



Reading will continue to be a school priority. All children are encouraged to read across the curriculum and at every opportunity.



Our Super Six:

Every day, we enjoy listening to a selection of books that become increasingly familiar to us.  Over this half term we will be enjoying:

Spring 1 Super Six.jpg




During this half term, we will be reading the story 'The Lion Inside' by Rachel Bright about a tiny mouse who wishes he was brave and strong like the mighty lion. The children will be planning and writing a story about a small animal who befriends a large animal in the African Savannah. Our focus is to use capital letters to start a sentence and for names, as well as using full stops to demarcate the end of the sentence.We will also be using 'and' to join two ideas together in a sentence and introducing question marks.


The lion inside.jpg


We follow the White Rose scheme of learning in Maths. This half term,Year One will be learning Place Value within 20, before moving onto Addition and Subraction within 20. We will then move onto Place Value within 20 before exploring length, height, mass and volume. In class, we use a range of manipulatives such as numicon, dienes and counters to support learning.  

White rose Spring term(1).jpgmaths resources.jpg


We are very busy in Year One.  We do lots of short focussed learning and we keep moving.  Here is a sample timetable to give you an idea of what we get up to on a daily basis:

Class timetable Y1.jpg

A few reminders:

PE: Children have PE on Tuesday and Thursday this half term. Children should come dressed in their PE kit on these days.

In PE, the units of learning that we are covering are Dance and Hit, Catch, Run.

Water: Children are encouraged to bring in a bottle of water each day which they can access at any time. Please ensure your child’s name is on their bottle.

Snack: KS1 children are offered a piece of fruit during the afternoon. If you would like to send an alternative snack for your child, please make sure it is healthy. No chocolate, crisps or sweets please (we are a nut-free school).

Please ensure your child's school uniform is labelled, especially jumpers and cardigans.

Please send in a spare pair of clothing for the winter months. We also strongly recommend sending in a pair of wellies so that your child can enjoy outdoor learning without their feet getting wet or cold.



Please find this week's homework to be completed in purple homework books. Homework is given out each week on a Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. Children have been given personalised harder to read words as part of their homework to practise each week.


Y1 Homework 9th January 2025

Y1 Homework 16th January 2025

Y1 Homework 23rd January 2025

Y1 Homework 30th January 2025

Y1 Homework 6th February 2025

Y1 Homework 27th February 2025

Y1 Homework 6th March 2025


Useful websites:

Login (

White Rose Minute Maths App (this is free to download)

Phonics Play

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